Project Threadways is the 501(c)(3) arm of Alabama Chanin and The School of Making. The organization documents, studies, and interprets history, community, and power through the lens of fashion and textiles.
From raw material to finished goods, we seek to understand the impact of textiles on our community, nation, and world.
In partnership with Alabama Chanin and The School of Making, we connect people, places, and materials through design, making, and education—with cultural heritage, craft preservation, and creative placemaking at the core of our work.
Project Threadways conducts and commissions research about the history of textile production in The Shoals and beyond.
Our collection of 30+ oral history interviews began in the year 2000 and continues today through the support of private foundations, the Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area, and the Alabama Humanities Alliance.
More Coming Soon
The annual Project Threadways symposium, and events held with partners nationwide, serve as centers for conversation about the ways that textiles have shaped the lives of individuals and communities.
Exciting things are unfolding for Project Threadways, Alabama Chanin, and The School of Making.
Donations fund all work of Project Threadways, including operating costs, programming, scholarly initiatives, and public art projects.
Contact think@projectthreadways.org

Notes from the Field:
On the Journal
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